⚠️ Holiday Deliveries Notice – Outbox SARL
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⚠️ Holiday Deliveries Notice

As the world is confining at home and as COVID keeps peaking in cases around the world, the demand for e-commerce has significantly and unexpectedly risen. More and more people are now relying on online services to get what they need right to their homes. As a result, delivery courier services are now facing incredible demand as more businesses are now using them to deliver products all across Lebanon.

Outbox also uses delivery couriers to deliver our items to you. We've been mainly dealing with Wakilni for over a year and for a long time, they've given us a complete peace of mind when it comes to delivering your orders promptly, professionally and efficiently. They used to deliver our orders in an impressive 1 to 3 days timeframe, all over Lebanon.

Unfortunately, Wakilni, as with any other delivery courier company, is not immune to the various external factors that’s forcing it to degrade its quality of service. Wakilni is now taking 3-10 days to deliver your orders for the below reasons:

  • A huge and unexpected surge in e-commerce businesses due to COVID forcing Wakilni to host 10x more clients than it used to serve.
  • Economic downturns pushed expat drivers to leave Wakilni and flee the country. Wakilni is now hiring Lebanese drivers.
  • A huge devaluation of the Lebanese Lira has made it harder for Wakilni to maintain its vehicles and online delivery systems while retaining the same quality.
  • Wakilni did not increase its prices following the Lira devaluation.

What is Wakilni doing?

Wakilni has hired and is still hiring more drivers every week and has stopped signing new clients.

What is Outbox doing?

Outbox has hired a personal driver to fulfill and deliver orders that Wakilni won’t be able to deliver on time.

Was Outbox affected by these external factors too?

As a one-year old company, Outbox has grown tremendously throughout the year, so much that we're now running at full capacity. At some point, we're taking more orders than we can handle but we're also expanding to accommodate the extra overload but as more difficulties arise, sometimes even that extra effort isn't enough.

What can you do to help us?

We kindly ask you to be understanding of the situation. It is very challenging to run a business during these hard times. We are pressured in every way possible and despite the unprecedented difficulties, we are still trying to serve you in the best possible way while retaining the quality of our products and services.

More importantly, we ask you to be patient with us. If you need to receive an order before a specific date, we kindly ask you to place your order ahead of time as to not restrict yourself within the timeframe set by Outbox since we are often experiencing unexpected delays.